70 sophomores (202-203-204-205-210) and 5 of their teachers went on a 6-day learning trip to Ireland. They became a little more acquainted with the Irish way of life and increased their knowledge of the emigration to the USA during the Great Famine, the celtic culture and the period of the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
They also grew familiar with Irish dancing and the bodhran (a drum used in Irish music) and got the chance to practise all this ! They also clearly all enjoyed having some free time in the bustling city of Dublin.
Last but not least, several students will undoubtedly remember for a long time their packed lunches as well as the 17-hour crossing back home !
70 élèves de 2nde et cinq de leurs professeurs ont effectué un séjour linguistique de six jours en Irlande. Cette expérience leur a permis de se familiariser avec le mode de vie de leurs hôtes et d’en connaitre davantage sur l’émigration des irlandais aux E-U pendant la Grande Famine, la culture celte et la période des Troubles en Irlande du Nord.
Ils ont pu également pratiquer la danse irlandaise ainsi que le bodhran (tambour utilisé dans la musique irlandaise). Tous ont apprécié le temps libre passé dans Dublin, capitale très animée.
Enfin, et non des moindres, de nombreux élèves se souviendront sans aucun doute longtemps des sandwiches du midi et des 17 heures de retour à bord du ferry.
Here are some of their comments / Voici quelques uns de leurs commentaires :
Coline : « The coach was really comfy and the footrests were ideal for the ride to Monaghan ! »
Loïse : « The boat trip was truly challenging, but we had some medication ! »
Lisa : « On the ferry, my friends and I woke up early to see the sunrise, and we even saw some dolphins. »
Romane : « I advise you to travel by night, and if I were you, I would travel in cabins. »
Amandine F. : « I loved the conviviality on the ferry, I was able to know and get on well with some people I didn’t know before.»
Manon : « The Titanic museum was about the history of the boat and its construction. »
Elyo : « The tourist guide talked about a lot of things that happened in Belfast. I think it is important to learn about history, especially during the geopolitical context we currently have. »
Iona : « I discovered parts of history that I wouldn’t have learned about if I hadn’t studied them in class and during the trip. »
Tabitha : « My host family was so nice : funny, kind-hearted and really friendly. »
Maëlys : « The host family was very welcoming, I really appreciated every talk with them and I like their accent a lot »
Sohaila : « On the second day, we went to Causey Farm, it was for me the best day of the trip ! »
Anaé : « One of my favourite activities was visiting the farm, where we learnt a lot about the Irish culture while taking part in fun activities.
Télio : « Peter, our activity leader, was so involved ! I discovered how to play hurling, bake soda bread and how turf was formed. »
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Elliot : « The only thing I didn’t like was the sandwiches which were not really good ! »
Lilian : « There are many Mc Do to save us from famine ! »
Juliette : « In Dublin, we visited the replica of a ship that had transported people during the Great Famine. »
Célia : »The hours of free time were incredible because we were able to visit the city on our own and make up our own mind about Dublin (the streets, the atmosphere..)
Roméo : « It’s very important to me that there should be a school trip because the students leave the classroom to learn in a different way. »
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La vidéo souvenir de ce voyage en Irlande
Merci à Lilou Delandhuy pour son aide précieuse pour le montage.